A Tenth Revolution Group Company

Ref: a0MaA0000003Sm9

Frontend Developer - Angular


Job description

Frontend Developer - Angular


  • Developing according to modern coding, security and tool standards and implementing frontend architecture.
  • Monitoring and improving frontend performance.
  • You will always have an eye on technical innovations and evaluate them in terms of theirusefulness for the platform.
  • Collaborating with designers, backend developers, and other team members to create a cohesiveand functional product.
  • Staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in frontend development tocontinuously improve the application's UI and UX.
  • The team uses agile methodology and you will work with methods like Scrum and pair-programming in a global team

  • Bachelor/Diploma in (business) informatics or completed IT training
  • 3-4 years hands-on development experience in Angular(v.12+)
  • Multiple years of experience in creating responsive designs
  • In-depth knowledge of JavaScript, TypeScript, RxJS, CSS, HTML and REST API (JSON)
  • Knowledge of testing frameworks including Jest
  • Experience in implementing and running frontends in cloud environments (AWS/Azure preferred) using CI/CD pipelines, IaC (Infrastructure as Code) and CDN technologies
  • Basic experience with regards to oAuth2 and npm.
  • Ideally knowledge about SEO and server-side rendering
  • Ideally experience in developing web components
  • Agile mindset, proactive entrepreneurial action, good self-organized work organization andteamwork in an agile environment